I thought we might start with the naturlists description of February.
...all Nature is wrapped in a robe of dazzling whiteness; and the ‘bitter-biting cold’ showers of sleet, and sudden gusts of wind, drive us to our homes for shelter, against the inclemency of the season. They sudden thaws, also, which take place in February, --the return of frost and snow—and the change again to rain and sleet, contribute to render this month particularly unfavourable to the pedestrian and the lover of out-of-door exercise and amusements.
If you are researching weather in a particular period/month, you might find the this link helpful. What I learned for a variety of February's in this period was that the norm of temperature was about -2C that snow was an occurrence, but heavy snow was always an even worthy of note and that tempteratures fluctuated above and below the norm. I think that frost was much more common that snow. Heavy snow was anything more than a sprinkle.
So although it wasn't much colder in England than it is today, it was more difficult to keep warm. Chilblains were a problem for sure. The further north you went, the more snow and of course the colder it became. But nothing like the freezing temperatures here in the North of North America, which of course begs the question about how the pioneers lived. Lots of furs, I suspect.
Okay, so that is the weather, and what about flora and fauna I hear you muttering.
The other thing one might see is February, during our time were lambs. Lambing did indeed start in February.
My final entry is
About the beginning of the month, the woodlark, one of our earliest and sweetest songsters, renews his note.
Well, I could probably ramble on, but I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into February, and will join me again as we continue our ramble through Bath, and whatever else takes my fancy over the next little while.
And since my new anthology is out, Satin and Snakeskin in Brides of the West, though not a regency, it is a historical, I am going to offer a free copy to one of my blogreaders. Just in time for Valentine's day. Be daring, leave a comment, and I will draw from a hat.
Until next time, Happy Rambles.