Evening Gown from Ackerman's

A CRIMSON satin slip, underneath a frock of three-quarters length made of the silver-striped French gauze; the slip ornamented at the feet with clusters of flowers, and a narrow border of white satin edged with crimson ribbon:
the frock has a border of white satin, edged to correspond, and is drawn up in the Eastern style, confined by a cluster of flowers.
The body of the dress has open fronts, with a stomacher, which are severally trimmed en suite; short open sleeve, to correspond with a quilling of tull round the arm.
Head-dress a la Chinoise, composed of pearl; the hair braided, and ornamented with a wreath of flowers.
Ear-rings and drops, pearl; necklace, the French negligée.—Gloves, French kid, worn below the elbow, and trimmed with a quilling of tull.
Sandals, white kid.
What a pretty dress to wear for a Christmas party, don't you think?
A CRIMSON satin slip, underneath a frock of three-quarters length made of the silver-striped French gauze; the slip ornamented at the feet with clusters of flowers, and a narrow border of white satin edged with crimson ribbon:
the frock has a border of white satin, edged to correspond, and is drawn up in the Eastern style, confined by a cluster of flowers.
The body of the dress has open fronts, with a stomacher, which are severally trimmed en suite; short open sleeve, to correspond with a quilling of tull round the arm.
Head-dress a la Chinoise, composed of pearl; the hair braided, and ornamented with a wreath of flowers.
Ear-rings and drops, pearl; necklace, the French negligée.—Gloves, French kid, worn below the elbow, and trimmed with a quilling of tull.
Sandals, white kid.
What a pretty dress to wear for a Christmas party, don't you think?