A regular feature for your delectation.
March is the time of mad hares and spring bulbs.
Hares are called mad in March because of their breeding behavior. Boxing is just one of their favorite pastimes.
These brown hares actually remind me a bit of the kangaroos we saw recently.

One of the loveliest of the wildflowers which blooms in March in England is the violet.
I always find it fascinating the way our Naturists breaks into poetry at the drop of a hat.
March is also a time of high winds, or as our diarist says It is also the time of equinoctial gales both at sea and land.
That's it for now. Until next time. Happy Rambles
Hares are called mad in March because of their breeding behavior. Boxing is just one of their favorite pastimes.
These brown hares actually remind me a bit of the kangaroos we saw recently.
One of the loveliest of the wildflowers which blooms in March in England is the violet.
The Violet
Not from the verdant garden’s cultured bound,
That breathes of Paestum’s aromatic gale,
We sprung; but nurslings of the lonely vale,
‘Midst woods and glooms, whose tangled brakes around
Once Venus sorrowing traced, as all forlorn
She sought Adonis, when a lurking thorn
Deep on her foot impressed and impious wound.
Then prone to earth we bowed our pallid flowers,
And caught the drops divine; the purple dyes
Tinging the lustre of our native hue:
Nor summer gales, nor art-conducted showers,
Have nursed our slender forms, but lovers’ sighs
Have been our gales, and lovers’ tears our dew ~ Lorenzo di Medici
I always find it fascinating the way our Naturists breaks into poetry at the drop of a hat.
March is also a time of high winds, or as our diarist says It is also the time of equinoctial gales both at sea and land.
That's it for now. Until next time. Happy Rambles