Just a quick reminder about the Holiday Contest on my website.
Our fashion article today is not what you would call cheerful but the description is so detailed I thought you would like it.
Princess Charlotte of Wales died November 6 1817 and Mourning Dress was still being worn in December as can be seen from this plate. The Princess was very popular and I think this would have been important to many people at this time
The Walking Dress
Plain round dress, composed of black bombazeen, the body is made up to the throat, and tight to the shape. Plain long sleeves with white crape weepers. The skirt is finished round the bottom by a number of black crape rouleaus. Over this dress is worn a pelisse of black Levantine, open in front, and wrapping a little to one side. The waist is very short, and the back is quite plain. There is a small square collar which supports a very full ruff composed of white crape. The collar, fronts, and bottom of the dress, ar finished by a broad trimming of black crape, which is laid on very full. Plain long sleeves, finished at the wrist with black crape to correspond: the upper part of the sleeve is full, but it is tight towards the wrist. Head-dress, a small French bonnet composed of black Leghorn. The edge of the front is ornamented by a rouleau of black crape; two rouleaus ornament the top of the crown; and one very broad one goes round the bottom of it. A black crape band ties it under the chin; and a full bunch of artificial flowers, composed also of black crape, ornaments it on one side. Black shamoy gloves and black shoes.
The Evening Dress
A black crape frock over a black sarsnet slip: the body is cut very low all round the bust, and very short in the waist. The sleeve is very short and full. A narrow white crape trimming, of a novel description goes round the bust, and both the body and sleeves are interspersed in a new style, with either black or white crape. The skirt is of easy fullness; it is finished round the bottom by a broad trimming of either black or white crape disposed in festoons, and interspersed with cypress leaves, composed of black crape. This is surmounted by a broad rouleau of either black or white crape, round which is twined a double row of polished jet beads. The hair is dressed high behind, and in light curls on the forehead; it is ornamented only be an elegant jet comb. Necklace and ear-rings of jet. Gloves of black shamoy leather; plain black silk shoes.
The use of jet for ornament is typical of this era for morning. I find the use of white as trim very interesting.
That is all from me on this occasion. In the new year, we will be looking at our fashions from a different angle.
Until next time, Happy Rambles.
Our fashion article today is not what you would call cheerful but the description is so detailed I thought you would like it.
Princess Charlotte of Wales died November 6 1817 and Mourning Dress was still being worn in December as can be seen from this plate. The Princess was very popular and I think this would have been important to many people at this time
The Walking Dress
Plain round dress, composed of black bombazeen, the body is made up to the throat, and tight to the shape. Plain long sleeves with white crape weepers. The skirt is finished round the bottom by a number of black crape rouleaus. Over this dress is worn a pelisse of black Levantine, open in front, and wrapping a little to one side. The waist is very short, and the back is quite plain. There is a small square collar which supports a very full ruff composed of white crape. The collar, fronts, and bottom of the dress, ar finished by a broad trimming of black crape, which is laid on very full. Plain long sleeves, finished at the wrist with black crape to correspond: the upper part of the sleeve is full, but it is tight towards the wrist. Head-dress, a small French bonnet composed of black Leghorn. The edge of the front is ornamented by a rouleau of black crape; two rouleaus ornament the top of the crown; and one very broad one goes round the bottom of it. A black crape band ties it under the chin; and a full bunch of artificial flowers, composed also of black crape, ornaments it on one side. Black shamoy gloves and black shoes.
The Evening Dress
A black crape frock over a black sarsnet slip: the body is cut very low all round the bust, and very short in the waist. The sleeve is very short and full. A narrow white crape trimming, of a novel description goes round the bust, and both the body and sleeves are interspersed in a new style, with either black or white crape. The skirt is of easy fullness; it is finished round the bottom by a broad trimming of either black or white crape disposed in festoons, and interspersed with cypress leaves, composed of black crape. This is surmounted by a broad rouleau of either black or white crape, round which is twined a double row of polished jet beads. The hair is dressed high behind, and in light curls on the forehead; it is ornamented only be an elegant jet comb. Necklace and ear-rings of jet. Gloves of black shamoy leather; plain black silk shoes.
The use of jet for ornament is typical of this era for morning. I find the use of white as trim very interesting.
That is all from me on this occasion. In the new year, we will be looking at our fashions from a different angle.
Until next time, Happy Rambles.