Fashion in the Regency - October 1816

 Ball Gown - October 1816  Ackermann's Repository

One cannot help loving the colour maiden-blush.

A gown, composed of white gauze, of an exquisitely beautiful and glossy texture: it is worn over a maiden-blush slip. 

For the form of the dress, which is in the highest degree novel and elegant, we refer our readers to our print. The trimming is a rich rollio of intermingled gauze and satin at the bottom of the dress, above which is a wreath of fancy flowers, and this wreath is surmounted by white satin draperies: the general effect of this trimming is uncommonly tasteful and striking. 

The hair is much parted on the forehead, and dressed very low at the sides; and the hind hair, brought up very high, forms a tuft. 

Head-dress, a wreath of French roses, placed so as apparently to support the hind hair. 

Necklace, bracelets, and ear-rings of pearl. White kid slippers and gloves.
            We have to thank the condescension of a lady, one of our subscribers, for both the elegant dresses which we have given this month.

And finally we are caught up. Just in time for Christmas

By the way, my next book - Secrets of the Marriage Bed is available for preorder  Get all the links to your favorite story at  

Until Next Time

Regency Fashion October 1816


Half Dress, from Ackermann's October 1815

A GOWN of lilac sarsnet, cut low round the bust, which is trimmed with pink ribbon, disposed so as to form a wreath; 

the shape of the back is  marked by bands of pink, and a large bow in the French style, ornaments the middle of it at the bottom. 

The back is full; a plain light front forms the shape in a most becoming manner. 

Long full sleeve, composed of clear muslin, trimmed at the wrist with a single row of lace, and finished by a pink bow. 

Fichu to correspond, very full trimmed round the throat with lace. The bottom of the skirt is edged with pink, and trimmed with a single flounce of blond lace, set on very full, and surmounted by a wreath of French roses. 

Cornette composed of tulle, finished by a quilling of blond round the face, and fastened by a pink bow under the chin; a bow to correspond ornaments it on the forehead, and a bunch of flowers is placed very far back on the head. The style of this cornette, though French, is so simply elegant and becoming, that we have not for some time seen any half-dress cap to equal it. 

Plain gold ornaments. White kid gloves, and white kid slippers with pink rosettes.

Well, despite the hyperbole, I don't thing I would be caught dead in the cornette.  What about you?

Until next time.......

Regency Fashion October 1815

A Walking Dress for Autumn

This charming outfit appeared in Ackermann's Repository.
I love the way she is looking over her shoulder at us and the romantic rocky setting. Interestingly, it reminds me of the grotto at Stourhead, a place I visited in 2010. And here she is, caught in the middle of reading a romance perhaps.

This is definitely a scene I need to write one of these days! 

Here is the description provided by our favourite magazine.

A round robe of fine cambric or jaconot muslin, ornamented with a double flounce of French needle-work at the feet, under an open pelisse, composed of French grey sarsnet, lined with the salmon colour; the upper part of the sleeve lashed with satin of corresponding colour, fulled and let in. 

A full ruff of needle-work and a small French handkerchief round the neck. 

French hat of the satin straw, with a quilling of net round the rim; three rows of grey satin ribbon, plain or quilled, round the crown; and a full plume of white feathers, edged to correspond. 

Slippers, blue or red morocco. Gloves, York tan.

Coming soon-

It happened one Christmas. If you have missed the preorder contest which ends soon, check out my Facebook page or go to my website for details.

Until next time……...

Regency Fashion ~ October 1815

Morning Dress October 1815
From Ackermann's Repository

1815 seems to be the year of the ruffle, as I look back over several of this year's fashion blogs.

This one looks more like a nightgown to me and the use of the word negligee in the description makes me realize why. Of course morning dresses were designed for wearing around the house while looking pretty. I always love it when they add furniture to the picture.

Here is the official description

A CAMBRIC muslin petticoat, ornamented at the feet with a double flounce of French work, appliqued with a narrow heading of the same; 

the body, from the shoulder to the neck, gathered full into narrow trimming, corresponding with the heading of the flounce; a military collar, frilled with the French work; 

short French negligée, open in the front, and trimmed entirely round to correspond; long loose sleeve, gathered into a narrow trimming at the wrist, with a ruffle of the same French work. A round cap, composed of white satin and quilled lace; a white satin rose in the front. 

Stockings, ribbed silk. 

Slippers, red morocco or black kid.

Until next time………..

Regency Fashion October 1814

October is clearly the month for walking at Ackermann's

An evening primrose-coloured French sarsnet petticoat, trimmed round the bottom with a double border of clear muslin, drawn full with a narrow ribband of corresponding colour to the petticoat; high body of jaconot muslin, with reversed drawings; long sleeve, drawn to correspond. A silk ruff.

 A silk net handkerchief-sash, tied in streamers and small bows behind.

A Shipton straw bonnet, tied under the chin with a net handkerchief crossing the crown, and trimmed with a band of the same silk net.

Sandals of evening primrose-coloured kid. Gloves to correspond.

Very smart. And more sandals.

Until next time

Regency Fashion - October 1814

From Ackermann's Repository October 1814

 A CELESTIAL blue or French grey silk skirt, buttoned and trimmed down the front with a full border of lace, gathered on a plain heading, terminating at the bottom with a deep flounce of the same; high-drawn body, made either of sarsnet or India muslin; long full sleeve, confined at the wrist by a bracelet of blue satin bead and emerald clasp. Lace ruff round the neck. 

A net handkerchief crossed over the bosom and tied in bows behind. 

Full-bordered lace cap, ornamented with a small wreath of flowers on one side. 

A French straw bonnet, lined with white sarsnet, and trimmed round the edge with a narrow quilling of net lace; a small plume of ostrich feathers in the centre of the crown. Sandals of blue kid. Gloves, York tan or Limerick.

Sandals in October. A bit nippy on the toes I must say. And what is the idea of the handkerchief? Support?

Until Next Time......

Regency Fashion ~ October 1813

This is the second gown for October, and also a Vauxhall Vittoria Fete Dress.

I can only assume that these were dresses which where worn or ordered for the event, but of course only available in the magazine after the fact. Sadly we do not know who it was who wore the dress.

This second gown is not so very different from the first, which you would have found in my post earlier this month.  It is described as follows:

A plain white lace frock over a white sarsnet petticoat; the sleeve, which is halfway down the arm, is also composed of lace, and the form of it is extremely novel.  The top is very full and drawn in by a string of pearls, the bottom part is composed of three rows of narrow letting-in, each row edged with pearl. Hair curled in loose and luxuriant ringlets in front, turned up behind a-la-Grecque as tightly as possible. Head-dress, diamonds and the Prince's plume of ostrich feathers. Diamond necklace, bracelets and ear-rings. A slight gold chain of elegant workmanship, to which an eye-glass is suspended, is put round the neck and brought to one side.  White kid gloves and white satin sandals and a small ivory fan.  A white lace veil is occasionally thrown carelessly over the head and forms a drapery which is at once simple, elegant, and becoming.
I see that we have a nod to the Prince of Wales in this gown as we had to his wife in the last one. I wonder what one did if one did not have luxuriant ringlets. My hair never would hold a curl for more than an hour.

 In this same issue of La Belle Assemblee we are told that the weather has been of uncommon fineness, prolonging the summer fashions longer than they were recollected lasting for some years. Recall though that this was written for the September issue.

We can now look forward to more of our visit to Saltram and other houses, and November fashions.

Regency Fashion ~ October 1813

The Battle of Vittoria was one of Wellington’s great victories and much celebrated on the home front in 1813. The Prince of Wales arranged for a grand fete to be held in Vauxhall Gardens. This took place in July 1813. However it seems that the modistas of the day decided to name ballroom gowns after the fact, so one can assume the celebrations continued.

This gown appeared in La Belle Assemblee’s September edition as fashion for October entitled

Vauxhall Vittoria Fete Dress.

It is described as follows:

A short dress of crape over a very slight white satin petticoat, made more scanty in the skirt than  we have seen them for some time. The skirt is ornamented round the bottom with a trimming composed of crape and small pearl beads in the form of laurel leaves, each of which is edged with those beautiful imitations of pearls and a row also goes up the middle of each leaf, which has a novel and very elegant effect.  Over this dress is a Princess Charlotte of Wales’ body of pink crape; for the front of this body we refer our readers to the Plate; the back is made uncommonly broad, and extremely low both behind and before.  The sleeves are crape over white satin, fancifully ornamented with beads to correspond with the trimming round the bottom. A similar, but much smaller, trimming goes round the bosom and back of the neck. A small white crape jacket finishes this dress. The hair cropped behind, and disposed in loose ringlets in front; a superb white lace veil falls from the back of the head and is taken carelessly on the arm as a drapery. A fancy half wreath is placed to the side. White kid gloves and slippers; emerald necklace, ear-rings and bracelets.
I find the reference to the Princess Charlotte of Wales body interesting. It looks a bit like a bustier doesn't it, and rather daring, don't you think?  It seems to be a gown that leaves very little to the imagination.
I will bring you the second gown a little later this month. Until next time, Happy Rambles.

Regency Fashion for October

by Ann Lethbridge

This summer I was fortunate to visit Hay-on-Wye or Croeso Y Gelli on the English/Welsh border, a town that specializes in book shops. Put historical authors and bookshops together and you may lose us for a few days.

The picture is of the largest bookshop in Hay. Yes, it is a castle. Not only are those books sitting outside in wooden bookcases, but the castle is filled with them, along with prints and maps. Heaven.

Since I especially enjoy looking at the fashions from the late Georgian era, particularly 1800 to 1830, so you can imagine my joy when I found fashion plates in one of the shops I visited that day. Since it is October, I thought I would share this one with you.

This is a fashion plate from La Belle Assemblee for October 1810. It is titled Pelisse Dress of Autumn. I imagine it as what we might call a coat dress these days. The description is as follows:

A pelisse dress of autumnal brown sarsnet, made low in the neck, trimmed down the front and round the bottom with a rich trimming of vandyked white satin, ornamented with silver frogs; the sleeves buttoned on the inside of the arm, to correspond with the front of the dress; over the bosom is tied a light white net mantle, scolloped, and ornamented with acorn tassels. White satin bonnet, with a bunch of wheat in front, and short lace veil. Brown sandals and gloves. Green parasol.

I notice they didn't say anything about the dog. I can't make up my mind if he is a friend or foe. He really looks like he wants to bite one of the many tassels hanging off that gown!

Until next time, happy rambles

Regency Fashion for October

by Ann Lethbridge
Here we are heading into the winter again. October is a month of frosts and falling leaves.

So what is our Fashionista wearing this month?

These are Paris fashions from The Ladies Magazine for October 1801. Much earlier than the Regency.

The accompanying text is general rather than descriptive of the place, but a couple of paragraphs are of interest.

"Veils constitute the principal part of most head-dresses. For full dress they are left entirely to the taste of the coiffeur, who, with the assistance of chefs, or silver ribbons, forms them into oblong turbans. A great many élégantes use ribons of unpolished silver, in the place of chefs. In half dress the veils are worn down, ô la religieuse. Upon many of the most elegant headdresses we observe an aigrette of hair, fastened with a pin."

"In general, rose is the prevailing colour. The robes of the newest taste are cut ô la Psyche. The ribbons are very narrow striped, and of very lively colours. The cambric bonnets are all the fashion for the morning; they are trimmed with gold, like the Spencers."

Our next picture is from the Ladys Magazine for October 1810

Full Dress: Gown of white sarcenet, enriched round the bottom with a Grecian border in gold; the body and sleeves are of pink satin: the latter are made open in the front, and confined at top and bottom by gold clasps; the stomacher of white satin, hussared across with blue silk cord. The head ornaments are of pearl, with a Chinese rose in front; the hair in full curls round the face, and hanging in ringlets from behind; neck chain and bracelets composed of double rows of pearl; ridicule of pink satin, netted over with blue silk. Shoes and gloves the color of the body.

Walking Dress: A pelisse of white and yellow shot silk, gathered together in the front, and fastened together by a large sapphire broach, buttoned up the front, and trimmed round the bottom with broad white lace. The gown of white India muslin, made high in the neck, with an erect lace collar; ermine for tippet. Head-dress, French lace cap, and white chip hat, with a sprig of myrtle; plain gold ear-rings. Shoes and gloves to correspond with the pelisse. Parasol of blue silk.

I love the term "Hussared" I assume it means it has the look of a hussars lace across the front of a uniform. For the walking dress, it is interesting that the collar is actually part of the gown beneath, rather than the coat. I can imagine the cost of the sapphire broach.

Well that's it for me for fashion for this month. Until next time, Happy Rambles.

Regency Fashion for October

Well if you dropped by over to for the launch you would have danced and partied all day. But now back to our regular programming. But before I do let me remind you that my newsletter will go out this week, so if you haven't signed up and would like to do so, you will find the button in the sidebar.

Well we are moving into Autumn, so let us see what fashions we have for cooler blustery days.

I really like this first one from 1814.

This is from La Belle Assemblee.

Jaconet muslin high dress, with a triple flounce of muslin embroidery round the edge, and slightly scalloped; a row of worked points surmounts the top flounce. The body is composed of jaconet muslin and letting-in lace; the former cut to broad strips and sewed full to the latter, which is about an inch in breadth; this body is made up to the throat, but has no collar. Long sleeve of muslin and lace to correspond with the body.

Spenceret of rose coloured velvet of a form the most elegantly simple and tasteful that we have seen; it is very short in the waist, and tight to the shape; it is ornamented at the top by a lcse frill, and is cut so as to cover the bosom but to leave the neck bare.

I love that they call it a spenceret. And I must say rose coloured velvet has a particularly cosey sound. Because she is wearing the spenceret, we don't see much of the body, so we imagine panels of lace let into the muslin. Or I do anyway. What I really liked about this was the length. So clearly cut short for ease of walking.

Because we had a walking dress, I thought we should go for one evening outfit. This one is from 1812.

This is also from Belle Assemblee

Round dress of cambric muslin, cut low in the neck, demi train and long sleeves; waist something shorter than they have been worn; very low in the neck, and trimmed round the bosom with a scolloped lace, which falls over and is put on broad at the bosom and narrower at the shoulders.

Hat of Pomona green satin, turned up in front, and low on each side of the face. A Spanish button and loop in front, and a long white ostrich feather, which falls to the right side. Shawl of the same material as the hat, thrown over the shoulders carelessly, and its effect left to the taste of the wearer, the two ends, which fall in front, are finished with amber silk tassels, and trimmed to correspond.

Hair dressed very full at the sides, and parted in front. Pomona slippers. White spangled fan; and white kid gloves.

For me the mention of the white spangled fan does it. I want a white spangled fan! I must have been a magpie in an earlier incarnation. I love all that glitters.

Well next week we have our usual flora and fauna article. And lots of excitement towards the end of the month when I will be signing books with Eloisa James. Last week I signed with Jo Beverly. Such a nice nice lady.

Until Monday, Happy Rambles.