Books being what they are we are playing catchup. I wanted you to have this August dress before I started on September's offerings.
High dress, with plain body, buttoned or laced behind, composed of a rich satin-striped sarsnet, of celestial blue and white colour, trimmed at the feet with white satin;
long loose sleeve, confined at the wrist with a fulling of tull, edged with white satin;
a deep full ruff, of the French work, round the neck; a short sash of white satin ribbon, tied behind.
A French bonnet, composed of tull fulled in, and alternate folds of white satin; a roll of white satin, laced with tull, ornaments the edge of the bonnet; satin strings, tied under the ear.
Necklace of Oriental-gold.
Stockings elastic or ribbed silk.
Sandals crossed high up the ankle with blue ribbon. Gloves Limerick or blue kid. Parasol of shaded silk.
i thought this looked particularly elegant though I am not a fan of ruffs.
Until next time…..