Two Hundred years ago today, what might the ladies have worn to the Duchess of Richmond's ball a few nights before the battle of Waterloo?

This seems to be the perfect gown, doesn't it?
From gowns for June 1815 by way of Ackermann's the description is as follows:
Yes, I can see the ladies of the day in this, flirting with the young officers about to meet Napoleon. The glitter of jewelry, the scarlet and blue of uniforms and the dazzle of gold braid and among them all, Wellington as cool as a cucumber.
By the way, don't miss my Goodreads Giveaway for the Duke's Daring Debutante.
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Until next time…..
This seems to be the perfect gown, doesn't it?
From gowns for June 1815 by way of Ackermann's the description is as follows:
A FROCK of French figured gauze, worn over a slip of white satin; the frock trimmed at the feet with a deep flounce of blond lace, and decorated with wreaths of lilac;
the fronts of the body ornamented with a cope of blond lace; short full sleeve, trimmed to correspond.
Stockings of elastic silk. Slippers white silk or kid.
Gloves French kid, drawn over the elbow.
Hair in irregular curls, blended with a wreath of lilac.
Yes, I can see the ladies of the day in this, flirting with the young officers about to meet Napoleon. The glitter of jewelry, the scarlet and blue of uniforms and the dazzle of gold braid and among them all, Wellington as cool as a cucumber.
By the way, don't miss my Goodreads Giveaway for the Duke's Daring Debutante.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Duke's Daring Debutante
by Ann Lethbridge
Giveaway ends June 25, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Until next time…..