When asked about success as a writer, I often mention perseverance as key.
Persevering to the end of a story is certainly something that every beginning writer needs to accomplish. There is nothing more satisfying than writing the end even if it is the first draft.
It certainly requires a huge measure of steadfastness to write book after book when no one is buying what you write.
Submitting those books to editors and agents despite the pain of rejection is a special kind of perseverance.
It's all good right?
Well, I have come to realize that sometime perseverance can be a bad thing.
For example, writing and re-writing to perfect prose, so that it is never finished, is a problem. Some blame it on perfectionism, but I have come to realize that the same dogged determination evidenced above is part of this too.
And what about sitting hour after hour staring at the computer to meet a deadline or finish the word count set for the day. There are serious health aspect to this kind of perseverance. The body was built to move.
And what about the hours you spend never talking to anyone while you finish the manuscript. Even a writer needs to speak to real people one in a while.
So, persevere by all means, but in moderation. The goal isn't everything. How you get there is important. And definitely have fun along the way.
The Gilvrys of Dunross
Until next time….
Persevering to the end of a story is certainly something that every beginning writer needs to accomplish. There is nothing more satisfying than writing the end even if it is the first draft.
It certainly requires a huge measure of steadfastness to write book after book when no one is buying what you write.
Submitting those books to editors and agents despite the pain of rejection is a special kind of perseverance.
It's all good right?
Well, I have come to realize that sometime perseverance can be a bad thing.
For example, writing and re-writing to perfect prose, so that it is never finished, is a problem. Some blame it on perfectionism, but I have come to realize that the same dogged determination evidenced above is part of this too.
And what about sitting hour after hour staring at the computer to meet a deadline or finish the word count set for the day. There are serious health aspect to this kind of perseverance. The body was built to move.
And what about the hours you spend never talking to anyone while you finish the manuscript. Even a writer needs to speak to real people one in a while.
So, persevere by all means, but in moderation. The goal isn't everything. How you get there is important. And definitely have fun along the way.
The Gilvrys of Dunross
Until next time….