Regency Murder and Mayhem

A new series of articles to appear from time to time for your edification.  These are Taken from the Belle Assemblee February 1814

Lighting Strike

The lightning on Tuesday, February 9, slightly struck Richardson's hotel in Covent Garden, passing between a crowd of people who were standing up for shelter there, but providentially without doing injury to any one. It broke two panes of glass in the kitchen window, but did not other mischief.

Shocking Accident

As General Darican, so well known in Paris, when he commanded sections against Bonaparte, and who resides in the Polygon, at Somers Town, was riding along Union-street, his horse took fright, and galloped off with him.  The animal on reaching the end of Union-street, plunged into a hole about twenty feet deep, and threw his rider, who received a severe concussion of the brain.  He was immediately conveyed to the house of a respectable surgeon in that neighbourhood, but he is not expected to recover. The horse was afterwards tken up dead from the effect of the fall.

I was unable to determine if he did indeed succumb to his injuries.