I do hope you all enjoyed your celebration of the new year as we move into 1816 -- oops, earth to Ann, it is really 2016. How quickly time flies.
However, we will go back in time and take a peek at what the ladies were wearing back then. December 1815 gave us a walking dress, Ackermann's in January puts us in a carriage, surprisingly however, the colour is the same.
High dress, composed of the finest dark blue ladies’ cloth; it is made up to the throat, but without a collar, has a slight fullness in the back, and falls very much off the shoulder;
the front is tight to the shape, and the waist very short.
The trimming is dark blue satin, to correspond; it is cut byas, laid on double and very full:
long plain sleeve, finished at the wrist with satin;
French ruff of very rich lace. Head-dress a la mode de Paris; it is a cap composed of white lace, and ornamented with two rolls of ribbon to correspond: the form of this cap is in the highest degree original.
Gloves white kid. Sandals blue kid.
I find the shape of the dress very attractive, though to me it seems more like a "coat-dress" something I really liked wearing back in the day (my day).
The cap reminds me of a Spanish comb (peineta).
I think it preferable to December's offering, but it is all about taste.
Until next time........
However, we will go back in time and take a peek at what the ladies were wearing back then. December 1815 gave us a walking dress, Ackermann's in January puts us in a carriage, surprisingly however, the colour is the same.
High dress, composed of the finest dark blue ladies’ cloth; it is made up to the throat, but without a collar, has a slight fullness in the back, and falls very much off the shoulder;
the front is tight to the shape, and the waist very short.
The trimming is dark blue satin, to correspond; it is cut byas, laid on double and very full:
long plain sleeve, finished at the wrist with satin;
French ruff of very rich lace. Head-dress a la mode de Paris; it is a cap composed of white lace, and ornamented with two rolls of ribbon to correspond: the form of this cap is in the highest degree original.
Gloves white kid. Sandals blue kid.
I find the shape of the dress very attractive, though to me it seems more like a "coat-dress" something I really liked wearing back in the day (my day).
The cap reminds me of a Spanish comb (peineta).
I think it preferable to December's offering, but it is all about taste.
Until next time........