Opera or Walking From La Belle Assemblee
The plate says opera, but the description says walking. I will let you decide, but I'm thinking, well its spring, let us walk to the opera.
Here is the official description:
Round dress of jaconet muslin, made high to the throat, and rather longer in the waist than last month. Long sleeves gauged about the wrists about an inch; the sleeve is left about two inches in length from the gauging, and is edged with a very fine narrow lace. The collar, which is made tight to the neck, is also edged with a lace to correspond. A very rich embroidery goes round the bottom of the dress.
The Huntley bonnet and scarf, for which we refer our readers to the Plate, have a very elegant effect; they are composed of rich twilled plaid sarsnet; the scarf is three yards in length, it is a straight piece, and is disposed according to the taste of the wearer.
A beautiful Prince's plume ornaments the bonnet. Very pale tan slippers and gloves.
I like the dress, but not so much the plaid, but it would be good for walking.
Until next time
The plate says opera, but the description says walking. I will let you decide, but I'm thinking, well its spring, let us walk to the opera.
Here is the official description:
Round dress of jaconet muslin, made high to the throat, and rather longer in the waist than last month. Long sleeves gauged about the wrists about an inch; the sleeve is left about two inches in length from the gauging, and is edged with a very fine narrow lace. The collar, which is made tight to the neck, is also edged with a lace to correspond. A very rich embroidery goes round the bottom of the dress.
The Huntley bonnet and scarf, for which we refer our readers to the Plate, have a very elegant effect; they are composed of rich twilled plaid sarsnet; the scarf is three yards in length, it is a straight piece, and is disposed according to the taste of the wearer.
A beautiful Prince's plume ornaments the bonnet. Very pale tan slippers and gloves.
I like the dress, but not so much the plaid, but it would be good for walking.
Until next time