One month to The Lady Flees Her Lord. My word, it seems that the intervening months have flown by. I will be having quite a party on the week of the launch, so keep watching this space. And don't forget the chance to win a copy if you enter the contest to be found at the right of this post.
Yesterday was the Labor Day Holiday, and I did not labor. It was a beautiful weekend and we spent it by a lake. It was wonderful to watch osprey, and loons, as well as the usual gulls. We also caught a brief glimpse of a kingfisher. And the stars were wonderful. With no moon, one could almost reach out and touch the milky way. Aah, but now we have fashion.
This plate is from 1805 Ladies Monthly Museum. A little earlier than Regency, but I go by what is known as the long Regency. And three for the price of one. How good is that?
The descriptions are brief, but enough I think to give you the flavor.
Walking Dress
A round Dress of plain Muslin. A Pelisse of pale Blue Muslin, trimmed with White Lace. Mob Cap of worked Muslin. Buff Gloves.
Walking Dress
Dress of Cambric Muslin. A Shawl of worked Lace, with Embroidered Border. White Beaver Hat, and White Ostrich Feather.
Full Dress.
Head fashionably Dressed, ornamented with White Floss Feather, and Silver Leaves. Dress of Primrose Crape, Sleeves embroidered with Silver. White Gloves and Fan.
I found the blue pelisse in the first dress quite interesting, to me it looks more like a dressing gown, but very comfortable compared to the fitted spencers we so often see.
A Walking Dress from La Belle Assemblee for September 1816
Round dress of fine leno worn over either a white or peach-coloured slip; the dress flounced with the same, with a ribband of peach colour placed above the flounce. Loose sleeves, à la Caroline, confined by bands of peach coloured ribband. British Lady's Bonnet, the texture black, over peach color. The hair parted on the forehead. Half-boots, and gloves of peach-coloured kid
The sleeves are a very interesting feature, and I like that we get a good look at the half-boots.
This last is a court gown for the same year. I don't have a description, but the festoons of roses and the train and the headdress are a delight to behold, so I could not resist it.
Next time we will see if there is any flora and fauna of interest. Until then, Happy Rambles.
Yesterday was the Labor Day Holiday, and I did not labor. It was a beautiful weekend and we spent it by a lake. It was wonderful to watch osprey, and loons, as well as the usual gulls. We also caught a brief glimpse of a kingfisher. And the stars were wonderful. With no moon, one could almost reach out and touch the milky way. Aah, but now we have fashion.
The descriptions are brief, but enough I think to give you the flavor.
Walking Dress
A round Dress of plain Muslin. A Pelisse of pale Blue Muslin, trimmed with White Lace. Mob Cap of worked Muslin. Buff Gloves.
Walking Dress
Dress of Cambric Muslin. A Shawl of worked Lace, with Embroidered Border. White Beaver Hat, and White Ostrich Feather.
Full Dress.
Head fashionably Dressed, ornamented with White Floss Feather, and Silver Leaves. Dress of Primrose Crape, Sleeves embroidered with Silver. White Gloves and Fan.
I found the blue pelisse in the first dress quite interesting, to me it looks more like a dressing gown, but very comfortable compared to the fitted spencers we so often see.
A Walking Dress from La Belle Assemblee for September 1816
Round dress of fine leno worn over either a white or peach-coloured slip; the dress flounced with the same, with a ribband of peach colour placed above the flounce. Loose sleeves, à la Caroline, confined by bands of peach coloured ribband. British Lady's Bonnet, the texture black, over peach color. The hair parted on the forehead. Half-boots, and gloves of peach-coloured kid
The sleeves are a very interesting feature, and I like that we get a good look at the half-boots.
Next time we will see if there is any flora and fauna of interest. Until then, Happy Rambles.