First you may have noticed that I changed the picture of my book. Well I just learned before Nationals that my cover had changed. Happily, I love the new one just as much as the old one.
This first image is from 1806 taken from the Ladies Monthly Magazine
Interesting to see that for the pink morning gown that the cloak is much more like a shawl. I do love the color of this dress and the lace footing down the front. Not sure why it is called footing, but it really is elegant. I would not mind making calls in such a pretty gown.
The second gown, for evening is also lovely. I think the painted flowers appeal to me. I do not like the buff gloves, however. They look odd. And how about that veil. How long would it take the maid to get that carelessly thrown over look?
The next outfit is from La Belle Assemblee, 1810. A Walking Gown.
Promenade Walking Dress.
A plain cambric round morning dress, made high in the neck, with short train, let in round the bottom with two rows of worked trimming. A pelisse of green sarsnet, made to fit the shape, trimmed round with a narrow fancy trimming, cut with two scollops on the left side, on the right with one; fastened on the neck with a gold brooch, and confined round the waist with a girdle of the same, with gold clasp. A Lavinia unbleached chip hat, tied down with a broad white sarsnet ribband; a small white satin cap is worn underneath, with an artificial rose in front. The hair dressed in full curls. A plaid parasol; with York tan gloves; green silk sandals.
The gown is very plain and if it were not for that green trim it would seem almost dull, and yet somehow that is its charm. And one would not want too much going on on the dress given the pelisse, which takes up most of the description. Interesting that the scollops are different on each side. Lots of information here for a writer, I must say.
Well that is it for me for August, much as I would like to do more. If I sound rather quiet to day, I am. I have lost my voice completely. Good thing I can still type.
Until next time, Happy Rambles.
Morning Dress.
Round Dress of Pink Muslin, trimmed down the Front with Lace Footing; Cloak of worked Leno, lined with Straw-coloured Sarsnet, and trimmed with White Lace; Head fashionably drest with the Cantab Hat.
Full Dress.
A close Dress of White Sarsnet, bordered with painted Flowers, and Train of Pale Green Crape; Gold Broach; Head-Dress consisting of deep White Veil thrown carelessly over, and falling down the Back, Gold Comb, and Buff Gloves.
Interesting to see that for the pink morning gown that the cloak is much more like a shawl. I do love the color of this dress and the lace footing down the front. Not sure why it is called footing, but it really is elegant. I would not mind making calls in such a pretty gown.
The second gown, for evening is also lovely. I think the painted flowers appeal to me. I do not like the buff gloves, however. They look odd. And how about that veil. How long would it take the maid to get that carelessly thrown over look?
The next outfit is from La Belle Assemblee, 1810. A Walking Gown.
A plain cambric round morning dress, made high in the neck, with short train, let in round the bottom with two rows of worked trimming. A pelisse of green sarsnet, made to fit the shape, trimmed round with a narrow fancy trimming, cut with two scollops on the left side, on the right with one; fastened on the neck with a gold brooch, and confined round the waist with a girdle of the same, with gold clasp. A Lavinia unbleached chip hat, tied down with a broad white sarsnet ribband; a small white satin cap is worn underneath, with an artificial rose in front. The hair dressed in full curls. A plaid parasol; with York tan gloves; green silk sandals.
The gown is very plain and if it were not for that green trim it would seem almost dull, and yet somehow that is its charm. And one would not want too much going on on the dress given the pelisse, which takes up most of the description. Interesting that the scollops are different on each side. Lots of information here for a writer, I must say.
Well that is it for me for August, much as I would like to do more. If I sound rather quiet to day, I am. I have lost my voice completely. Good thing I can still type.
Until next time, Happy Rambles.