First, many apologies for the typos in that last blog. Jet lag has strange effects. I have done some fixing. Hopefully today will be better as we move into our regular article. Though we put our clocks forward this morning, so yet another time warp.

This evening gown in from the Ackerman's Repository and is dated March 1819. I do not have a description from the time, but I thought it interesting because of the musical instrument and the rather nice view of the cushioned stool on which she is seated. Odd how some things catch one's eye.
We are well past the classical style with this gown. The high waist is there, but the fabric is not the flimsy drapery of earlier in the era, it is some sort of striped satin and the bell, or A line, of the skirt is very pronounced. The heavy trim (Rouleau) around the hem is typical of this period.
La Belle Assemblee, March 1807
Here you see for comparison the style from March 1807. The cloak is described as a Polish Robe, and indeed has a rather eastern European feel to the fur lined edging and of course the hat. The tassles on both the robe and the Evening gown are quite lovely. It also reminds us that Britain can be quite cool still in March, even if the trees are starting to get their leaves and the daffodils are budding.
The Evening Gown is quite lovely and of course shows the classical lines of the earlier period to perfection. I really like the way the dotted shawl crosses over at the front and then drapes off one shoulder.
There is also a row of buttons running down the skirt front, just off to one side which is quite unusual.
Well that's it for fashion for March. Until next time, Happy Rambles.
This evening gown in from the Ackerman's Repository and is dated March 1819. I do not have a description from the time, but I thought it interesting because of the musical instrument and the rather nice view of the cushioned stool on which she is seated. Odd how some things catch one's eye.
We are well past the classical style with this gown. The high waist is there, but the fabric is not the flimsy drapery of earlier in the era, it is some sort of striped satin and the bell, or A line, of the skirt is very pronounced. The heavy trim (Rouleau) around the hem is typical of this period.
La Belle Assemblee, March 1807
Here you see for comparison the style from March 1807. The cloak is described as a Polish Robe, and indeed has a rather eastern European feel to the fur lined edging and of course the hat. The tassles on both the robe and the Evening gown are quite lovely. It also reminds us that Britain can be quite cool still in March, even if the trees are starting to get their leaves and the daffodils are budding.
The Evening Gown is quite lovely and of course shows the classical lines of the earlier period to perfection. I really like the way the dotted shawl crosses over at the front and then drapes off one shoulder.
There is also a row of buttons running down the skirt front, just off to one side which is quite unusual.
Well that's it for fashion for March. Until next time, Happy Rambles.