It is always fun to go to a conference in a City you have never visited before. This year RWA's (Romance Writers of America) conference is being held in San Antonio. And who hasn't heard of The Battle of the Alamo. So naturally the history buff in me just had to visit.
And as luck would have it my sister decided to join me on this adventure. We arrived on Friday, and after a long day of travelling it was dinner and bed. But Saturday we set out on our travels. The Alamo would be first on our list. But first is breakfast. It was recommended that we go to Shiloh's, a very popular deli. So we headed out and were surprised to find ourselves lining up. Of course it has to be good if you have to stand in line.
And it really was an excellent breakfast. And more so because, when we went to pay, the couple at the table beside us, who were fascinated our English accents, had already paid the bill. You can imagine our surprise. That couple had already left and the gentleman had left a message. "Welcome to Texas." So as you can imagine, we will always feel very welcome here.
Our next stop was the Alamo itself. We made the mistake of wandering around some of the other parts of the museum and exhibits and when we went to go inside, lo and behold there were hundreds of people in the line up, whereas there had been only a handful when we first got there. So we decide we would go on the next day.
And moved on to Market Square a traditional Mexican market with small stalls.

And as luck would have it my sister decided to join me on this adventure. We arrived on Friday, and after a long day of travelling it was dinner and bed. But Saturday we set out on our travels. The Alamo would be first on our list. But first is breakfast. It was recommended that we go to Shiloh's, a very popular deli. So we headed out and were surprised to find ourselves lining up. Of course it has to be good if you have to stand in line.
And it really was an excellent breakfast. And more so because, when we went to pay, the couple at the table beside us, who were fascinated our English accents, had already paid the bill. You can imagine our surprise. That couple had already left and the gentleman had left a message. "Welcome to Texas." So as you can imagine, we will always feel very welcome here.
Our next stop was the Alamo itself. We made the mistake of wandering around some of the other parts of the museum and exhibits and when we went to go inside, lo and behold there were hundreds of people in the line up, whereas there had been only a handful when we first got there. So we decide we would go on the next day.
And moved on to Market Square a traditional Mexican market with small stalls.