More RWA 2014

It is always great to come away from a conference feeling inspired. RWA 2014 did that for me.

Not only did a friend Molly O'Keefe win the RITA, the most prestigious award of all in the Romance Writers world, Go Molly but I attended several really great sessions that will help me moving forward.

And who could not enjoy San Antonio with its river walk wandering through the centre of downtown and all those marvellous historic sites (more about them later).  And all the local people I met were just so darn friendly.  I felt right at home.

And if there were a couple of snags, like leaving my phone at home - eek all those people I am supposed to call and now I don't have their numbers and yes, I did sit in something in my new white pants -- all easily fixed. Now Fedex and dh are now the best of friends, and it is quite easy to do laundry in your hotel sink. Hotel soap makes a great detergent.

Oh and it was hot hot hot. Weather I mean. But a shady tree and a marguerita with lots of ice works wonders. (With a nap to follow.)

Here I am wandering the city after a visit to "the Alamo" historic site. The new white pants are back in the hotel drying off.

And thereis nothing like bumping into your glamourous editor in your hotel pool. umm. Oh well, she knows the crazy things my head, she might as well know what I look like in my swimsuit.

And then there were the parties.  Thank you Harlequin Mills and Boon.

The historical authors were taken to tea in the King William district and as always the Harlequin Party was amazing. Red socks this year. They must have known I planned to wear a red dress, don't you think?

Anyway I was having too good a time to take many pictures, but here is a glimpse into a writer's life (once a year anyway).

And I have to say I was so lucky to share my experience with my sister Erika this year. We had a blast.

Until next time…..

RWA San Antonio

It is always fun to go to a conference in a City you have never visited before. This year RWA's (Romance Writers of America) conference  is being held in San Antonio.  And who hasn't heard of The Battle of the Alamo. So naturally the history buff in me just had to visit.

And as luck would have it my sister decided to join me on this adventure.  We arrived on Friday, and after a long day of travelling it was dinner and bed.  But Saturday we set out on our travels. The Alamo would be first on our list. But first is breakfast. It was recommended that we go to Shiloh's, a very popular deli. So we headed out and were surprised to find ourselves lining up.  Of course it has to be good if you have to stand in line.

And it really was an excellent breakfast.  And more so because, when we went to pay, the couple at the table beside us, who were fascinated our English accents, had already paid the bill. You can imagine our surprise.  That couple had already left and the gentleman had left a message.  "Welcome to Texas."  So as you can imagine, we will always feel very welcome here.

Our next stop was the Alamo itself.  We made the mistake of wandering around some of the other parts of the museum and exhibits and when we went to go inside, lo and behold there were hundreds of people in the line up, whereas there had been only a handful when we first got there. So we decide we would go on the next day.

And moved on to Market Square a traditional Mexican market with small stalls.

Montacute House Part V

How about this for a view from one of your windows?

I have to say, they did know about pleasing the eye and that kind of pleasure has not diminished over the centuries.

All right, so you may think I am strange, after seeing this next series of pictures of a staircase. I just loved this staircase and if you are bored please feel free to skip.

Isn't that such an interesting corner?  That door just itches to be opened.

The steps are built of huge slabs of Ham stone.

They flow upwards in short runs, to stop one from getting tired, I assume. And look at the wide  surface of each step and the gentle rise.

One can imagine the elegant and stately progress. An easy glide in a long gown.
  Some interesting dimensions for those who have persevered.

The steps measure seven feet across.

They wind around a central pier that measures five feet by twelve feet, almost the size of a small room.

The walls are pierced by shell-headed niches at intervals. You can see one in the picture directly above this text.

Naturally, you want to see where these stairs go.  Naturally, I am saving that for another  time.

Until then.....

Regency Fashion ~ July 1814

Nothing like a party dress to put a girl in a good mood, don't you think?  This is one of the prettiest I've put up for a while.  I can definitely see one of my heroines wearing this out to dinner.

Oldenburgh Dinner Dress from the July 1814 LBA

French white satin slip, decorated round the bottom with a rich blond lace, and headed with a superb pearl trimming: a wreath of laurel leaves formed of pearls, in an angle in the front of the slip. 

The trimming is perfectly novel, and the effect of it is more elegant than can be conceived from the engraving which we have given. Over the slip is a short Russian robe of white crape, open front, edged round with a rich pearl trimming to correspond with the slip; the wreaths which ornament the robe is formed of pearls also, to correspond. 

The front of the dress is formed in a most novel and tasteful style, peculiar to the inventress, Mrs. Bell. The back continues full, and the waist very short. Crape long sleeve, trimmed with pearl bands at regular distances. 

Small lace cap, superbly decorated with pearls, and finished with tassels to correspond; a fancy flower is placed to the side. The form of this cap is extremely elegant, exquisitely tasteful, and becoming.

 A white satin Chapeau Bras, ornamented with a spread eagle on the crown, worked in chenille, is indispensable. 

The hair is worn up a-la-Grecque on the left side, where it is fastened in a full knot. Gloves and slippers of white kid. Plain ivory fan.

Until next time:

Montacute House Part IV

It's ages since we started the visit to this house, so having left you in the parlour I thought it might time to rescue you and moved on. 

We enter the drawing room, that originally had served as a bedroom. It retains none of its Regency features with regards to decoration, but some of the pictures are from our era.

The hunting scene is from 1790

 The lacquer cabinet is from around the late 17th early 18th Century so could easily decorate a Regency drawing room. as could this Louis XIV Boulle writing-table. on the right.

I particularly liked this mahogany card table from around 1750. I thought it elegant. The top leaf would fold when not in use.

Until next time:

Three Tips for the Aspiring Writer

I don't often give advice. But this past week I was at the optician's  I let fall that I was a published author, as one occasionally does. The recipient of this information, a very nice man, offered that he had wanted to write a book, then decided that he didn't have anything to say that he thought others might find of interest.

Really? Don't we all have stories to tell? Even if it is only what happened at work today. It wasn't the time or the place to offer advice, nor was I asked for it, but here is some of what I might have said had I got it together.

I must say that unlike other authors I have met over these past several years, I had no thought of becoming an author.  Yes I liked the challenge of crafting a clearly argued memo, or creating a well thought out report on some item of business but an author?  No.  I was an avid reader.

Until one fine day; I wrote a novel. What a surprise.

All right so it was a very bad novel, but I finished it.

Tip # 1

Finish the book.
You will hear authors say that a finished book can always be fixed. I would suggest that while it is likely true for some, not my first one.  It was an exercise of undeveloped muscles. A training run. Never to see the light of day. You know all those things they say never to do in a book. I did them all. I had no clue, apart from writing THE END.

And then I took classes

Tip # 2

Learn your craft. Books on the subject. Classes. And above all reading books by authors you admire.

It took five more novels under my belt before I won my first contract. It was like winning the lottery.

Also quite painful.  All those: thanks but no thanks. Interestingly enough all but one of those next books are now in print.

Tip # 3


Don't give up. Don't second guess yourself. Or put yourself out of the running. Finish, polish and submit.

We all know the classic examples, Stephen King, J K Rowling etc. etc and Ann Lethbridge. Oh well, I couldn't resist (not that I am putting myself in their category, of course).

And a publisher is not your only option. These days, self-publishing or inde-publishing provides a whole other avenue of getting you're work out there. More on that another time.

Fashion for June

PROMENADE OR WALKING DRESS from Ackermann's Repository June 1812
A ROUND robe of jaconot or fine cambric muslin, with long sleeve and high waist, with fan ruff of lace, ornamented up the front with borders of needle-work or lace, and finished at the feet with ball fringe. 
A Spanish hussar cloak of deep amber sarsnet, lined with sea green or white, and trimmed with broad thread lace, put on very full. 
Hair disposed in bands and waved curls; a large square veil of white lace, thrown over the head and shading the face. 
Half-boots amber-coloured kid, and gloves a pale primrose. 
Small French cap of lace, ornamented with a small cluster of spring flowers, on one side, are often seen in this style of costume, and have an appropriate and pretty effect beneath the long veil.

Regency Fashion May 1814

Bourbon Hat and Mantle.

Frock of the finest jacconet muslin, embroidered round the bottom in fleurs de lis; the waist of the dress is the same length as last month, but the bosom and shoulders are not quite so much exposed; the bosom is ornamented with embroidery to correspond with the train. The back is full, and a narrow white satin sash is tied in long bows and ends behind. Three very small white silk fleur de lis ornament the dress in front of the bosom. Plain long sleeve. 

The Bourbon mantle of azure crape worn with this dress is remarkably novel and elegant; it is ornamented behind with white satin, which forms the back in a manner perfectly original and singularly tasteful; the crape is cut at each side of the back in points, as is also the front; each point is ornamented with fleurs de lis and rich tasssels; the mantle is edged round with narrow byas white satin, and finished at the edge by a very light and elegant trimming, which we understand was invented expressly for it. A small byas white satin collar which falls over, is fastened in front with a pearl brooch, and edged with trimming to correspond. 

The Bourbon Hat, patronized we understand by the Duchess d’Angouleme, is truly elegant, and admirably adapted to the season; it is in fact, a most novel and tasteful emblem of royalty; its form, which is peculiar, has never before been introduced, and it is decorated in a style of novelty, simplicity, and elegance; nor is it its least recommendation that it is completely portable, as it may be packed even in a portmanteau in scarcely any space, without its being in the least degree injured. 

For the form of this attractive hat, we refer our readers to the Plate; the materials of which it is composed are azure satin, and fleurs de lis, with which it is ornamented in front, are composed of pearl; a light and beautiful trimming of floss silk intermixed with pearl, goes round the edge of the hat, and an ostrich feather is tastefully placed to the side. Parasol, gloves, slippers, and Bourbon ridicule to correspond.

A hat that travels well in a portmanteau is a must, I should assume. The Bourbon star was on the rise with Bonaparte signing the Treaty of Fontainebleau on April 13 1814 and agreed to his exile on Elba.

Naturally this momentous occasion warranted a complete outfit in honour of the Bourbons who were to be returned to their rightful throne.

Murder & Mayhem Regency Style

Romance writers beware, this is story extracted from the Belle Assemblee's Anecdotes of Illustrious Females for November 1813.

Mademoiselle De Scudery

This lady, who was a celebrated romance writer in the reign of Louis XIV (1638-1715) met with a curious accident when travelling with her brother, who also employed his talent in composing works of fiction and being at that time engaged in writing together a work when on their journey at a considerable distance from Paris they began to speak of the various incident they meant to bring forward in the course of the composition; the hero of with they had named the Prince Mazare.

"What shall we do with Prince Mazare?" sad Mademoiselle Scudery to her brother; "is it not better that he should die by poison, than b a poniard?"

"There is time enough yet," said her brother. "We can dispatch him when we please, but we have not yet done with him."

Two merchants in the next apartment overheard this curious conversation, which they concluded intimate a conspiracy for the murder of some Prince, whose real name these cruel people had disguised under that of Mazare.  Full of this discovery, they immediately told their suspicions to their landlady of the inn, who with the merchants resolved to acquaint the police officer with what had happened.  The officer immediately put the travellers under arrest, and escorted them, strongly guarded to Paris; and it was not without extremely difficulty and expense that they procured their liberation.

The moral of the story is -- be careful who is listening while you brainstorm your story

Until next time.

Regency Fashion April 1814

This Morning Dress pairs with the previous plate.

Also from Ackermann's Repository for April 1814

A petticoat and bodice of fine jaconot muslin, finished round the bottom in vandykes and small buttons.

 The Rochelle spencer is composed of the same material, appliqued with footing lace down the sleeve, and trimmed at the edge with a narrow but full border of muslin. Double fan frill of muslin round the neck, very full, continuing round the bottom of the waist, where it is gathered on a beading of needle-work.

Bourdeaux mob cap, composed of lace, with treble full borders, narrowed under the chin. A small flower placed backward, on the left side. Hair much divided in front, and in full waved curls on each side. Necklace of twisted gold and pearl, with pendent cross in the centre.

Spring Greek kid slippers; and gloves of the same.
The beautiful cloak given in our last Number, as well as both the dresses in this, are from Mrs. Gill, of Cork-street, to whose taste and invention this work as well as the world of fashion are under continued obligation.

Until next time

Return of the Prodigal Gilvry

In stores now. This is the last book in the Gilvrys of Dunross Series. Each book can be read alone but you may not want to miss each brothers story. I am sad to be saying goodbye to them, I must say.
The e-book will be able on May 1 and is available for preorder.

BEHIND THE HIGHLANDER'S SCARS… Reeling from betrayal, the once devastatingly handsome Andrew Gilvry has returned to Scottish shores to fulfill a promise made to a dying man. The widowed Rowena MacDonald has been entrusted to his care, and Drew must do all he can to protect her…. LIES A DARK PASSION! But Drew's honor is about to be tested—because there's something in Rowena's dove-gray eyes that awakens a flame long extinguished. And on a perilous journey across the Highlands, with only this alluring woman for company, how long can he deny his desires?

Don't forget to check my website to find out more. Until next time

Regency Fashion April 1814

The first of our fashion plates for this month is a Promenade Dress. It makes sense that we are starting to think about walking in Spring.

This is from Ackermann's for April and the description is as follows.

A fine cambric round robe, with high bodice and long sleeves, not so full as of late; embroidered stomacher front and high collar, trimmed with muslin or lace; a Tuscan border of needle-work at the feet.

 A Cossack mantle of pale ruby, or blossom-coloured velvet, lined with white sarsnet, and trimmed entirely round with a broad skin of light sable, ermine, seal, or the American squirrel; a short tippet of the same; the mantle confined at the throat with a rich correspondent silk cord and tassels, very long.

A mountain hat of velvet, the colour of the mantle, finished round the verge with a narrow Vandyke trimming: a small flower placed in the hair beneath, on the left side.

Half-boots the colour of the mantle; and gloves of primrose kid or pale tan.

I thought this quite pretty. And I was interested in the term, mountain hat and the use of American squirrel.

Until next time.....

Montacute House III

Our next part of the visit is to the Parlour.  Oddly, I wrote this blog before, but the text and pictures disappeared. The great mystery of the age.  Onward.

Luckily for us this room while it has had several purposes, it has retained its chief features. In Georgian times it was used as a dining room.

The fireplace is something to behold, but of course one need to ignore the hot water radiator placed in the middle of it. It is made of Ham Hill stone. The upper register is decorative plaster over strapwork.

This gilt over walnut furniture dates from George I which along with the screen you will see later are embroidered in gros and petit point. As a stitcher I one can  imagine the hours of work that went into them.

The tapestry is a c 1731 Gobelins of the Hunter.

The wainscoting is thought to be original and certainly in the room in 1667.

This is a George II gilt sidetable with cabriole legs.

Lots more to see, next time

Give Away ~ Return of the Prodigal Gilvry

Return of the Prodigal Gilvry

My last book in the Gilvrys of Dunross Series is currently being offered as a goodreads give away. You can sign up through the widget in the sidebar.

Reeling from betrayal, the once devastatingly handsome Andrew Gilvry has returned to Scottish shores to fulfill a promise made to a dying man. The widowed Rowena MacDonald has been entrusted to his care, and Drew must do all he can to protect her….


But Drew's honor is about to be tested—because there's something in Rowena's dove-gray eyes that awakens a flame long extinguished. And on a perilous journey across the Highlands, with only this alluring woman for company, how long can he deny his desires?

I must say, knowing this is the last time I will visit the characters in these books is very sad.  I have grown fond of them. And yet... there are lots of other stories floating around in the mish mash of my brain. Stories I have been wanting to write for ages.

Until next time...

Regency Murder and Mayhem

A new series of articles to appear from time to time for your edification.  These are Taken from the Belle Assemblee February 1814

Lighting Strike

The lightning on Tuesday, February 9, slightly struck Richardson's hotel in Covent Garden, passing between a crowd of people who were standing up for shelter there, but providentially without doing injury to any one. It broke two panes of glass in the kitchen window, but did not other mischief.

Shocking Accident

As General Darican, so well known in Paris, when he commanded sections against Bonaparte, and who resides in the Polygon, at Somers Town, was riding along Union-street, his horse took fright, and galloped off with him.  The animal on reaching the end of Union-street, plunged into a hole about twenty feet deep, and threw his rider, who received a severe concussion of the brain.  He was immediately conveyed to the house of a respectable surgeon in that neighbourhood, but he is not expected to recover. The horse was afterwards tken up dead from the effect of the fall.

I was unable to determine if he did indeed succumb to his injuries.

Regency Fashion March 1814

This is an evening dress designed to be worn during a period of mourning.

The description from La Belle Assemblee for March 1814 is as follows;

Half dress of French grey crape, over a white satin slip, which is slightly embroidered round the bottom with grey chenille. The half dress is sloped so as to be about a quarter of a yard longer behind than in front, and is richly embroidered in white silk round the bottom, which has a very elegant effect; the body a-la-chemise, is made with a little fullness, and drawn in to the waist by a white satin sash. 

An embroidery to correspond with the bottom goes round the bosom, which is cut very low, and the back of the neck. The sleeves are extremely tasteful; they are composed of grey crape on white satin, and are gauged at a distance of about two inches all down; each gauging is finished with a row of pearl, and two rows of pearl at about two inches distance finish the sleeve at bottom. 

Bonnet of French grey crape, turned up on one side and slouched on the other, ornamented with a very long white feather. White crape fan. Bracelets, necklace, and earrings of pearl. White kid gloves and shoes.

Until next time

Regency Fashion - March 1816

Opera or Walking From La Belle Assemblee

The plate says opera, but the description says walking. I will let you decide, but I'm thinking, well its spring, let us walk to the opera.

Here is the official description:

Round dress of jaconet muslin, made high to the throat, and rather longer in the waist than last month. Long sleeves gauged about the wrists about an inch; the sleeve is left about two inches in length from the gauging, and is edged with a very fine narrow lace. The collar, which is made tight to the neck, is also edged with a lace to correspond. A very rich embroidery goes round the bottom of the dress. 

The Huntley bonnet and scarf, for which we refer our readers to the Plate, have a very elegant effect; they are composed of rich twilled plaid sarsnet; the scarf is three yards in length, it is a straight piece, and is disposed according to the taste of the wearer.

A beautiful Prince's plume ornaments the bonnet. Very pale tan slippers and gloves.

I like the dress, but not so much the plaid, but it would be good for walking.

Until next time

Montacute House II

Here is the front door which says

Through this wide op'ning Gate
None come too Early none Return too Late

This is a quote from Alexander Pope's Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace, Paraphrased  and come from a speech of an upper class ne'er do well, thought to have been added in the nineteenth century to the East frontdoor of this 17th century house

The coat of arms above the porch into the door are those of the house's builder, Sir Edward Phelips 1560- 1614 and dated 1601.
The door opens into the screens passage at one end of the Great Hall.

In this picture you can see the open door, and the passage behind the screen. This passage divides the great hall from the dining room.

And of course the screen itself.

It really is beautiful. It is a single story screen.

By this time, great halls were where the lord met his guests and took them up to the first floor private dining room.  At one time, the floor was tiled.  I am sure it was used similarly in our time.
The fireplace and paneling on this wall are original.

The stained glass in the windows is heraldic with the coats of arms of Elizabeth the first and Sir Edward Phelips and his brothers.

At the other end of the hall is a plaster frieze that  shows a story of what might happen to a man who strikes his wife with a shoe.

Until next time


Regency News and Adverts

La Belle Assemblee 1813, March

Here are a couple of  pieces you might find interesting


At Warrington: Mr. William Leather, breadmaker, to Miss Nanny7 Holland, confectioner, after a tedious courtship of thirty-six years.

Do you think the marriage was less "tedious". Do you think combination of baker and confectioner was all about business?


The Hon. Harriet Pryse, Lady of Pryse Pryse, Esq. of Gogerddan. This afflicting event was occasioned by the following accident:

As Mrs Pryse was preparing to go to bed, between two and three o'clock, on the morning fo New Year's day, her night-dress came in contacts with a rushlight that was burning in the room, and was instantly in a blaze.

While this last is not happy topic it contains some useful gems from speech at the time. I was interested in the use of a rush light give that this woman is clearly not of lower orders. But candles were expensive.


Rowland's Essence of Tyre;
Or Imperial Dye,

A Chemical peparation of wonderful metamorphosing powers,. for emmediately and effectually change the Hair when Red or Grey, to a beautiful Black, Brown, or Auburn. Price 7s 6d. per bottle.

Clear evidence that red hair is worse than grey?  What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed this mornings offerings. Please comment so that I can continue this blog.

Until next time, if there is a next time.......

Montacute House I

Moving on from Devon, we find ourselves in Somerset.

 At Montacute House.

A house built in the late fifteen hundreds. by Sir Edward Phelips.

The warm stone came from nearby Ham Hill and has been described as "the most beautiful Elizabethan House in England".

It must be noted that little of the original furnishings remain from any of the eras in which we might be interested, but the building and the decoration is original and would have been so during the Regency.

 These external views show an extraordinary house.

 This is a view of the east front, the principal front of Montacute. and is designed in the typical "E" formation from this period.  It also follows the height of Elizabethan fashion with its extensive areas of glittering glass. A hugely expensive proposition at this time.

Between each window on the top, third, story, and on the gable of the central bay are statues of the nine worthies - Joshua, David, Judas Maccabaeus, Hector, Alexander, Julius Caesar, King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon.

The house is topped of with Flemish-type gables, whose curves were a fashion imported in the late 1570s

This is a pavillion, one of a pair each side of the forecourt at the east front were built and used as extra bedrooms.

There will be much more to come about this lovely house.

Until next time, Happy Rambles